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Confronting Y2K: The Forgotten war against the infamous computer bug

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Its leap day (making this an excuse to publish this blogpost), which means some systems with refuse to work, and I think makes it more than an appropriate time to talk about the New Years Disaster that could’ve been.

Laptop Nerd Builds Her First Computer

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I’ve never had my own personal desktop, which may be surprising for those who know me as a tech nerd.

Windows 7, eWaste, and the modern day Malware

A banner using the Windows 7 Desktop background

Windows 7 is an operating system that runs near and dear to my heart. I do feel, however, computer landscapes have changed.

Chairs and Creating the best environment for you

A banner of a jack frost plushy sitting on a new office chair

I recently got a new chair, and it made me start to think about ergonomics a lot more.

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